Are we facing an epochal change, in which centres of power and influence multiply outside of the West’s reach? Is the West ...
Member states' EU ambassadors today reached agreement on the Council’s negotiating mandate for a regulation on facilitating ...
President of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, is travelling to Washington D.C. on 23 October to represent the euro area at the ...
The agreement on total allowable catches (TACs) and national quotas for 2025 is in line with the scientific advice provided ...
The Council extended the mandate Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic for two years, until 7 August 2026.
Dies ist die offizielle Website des Rates der EU und des Europäischen Rates. Für die Redaktion verantwortlich ist das Generalsekretariat des Rates, das den Rat der EU und den Europäischen Rat ...
Dies ist die offizielle Website des Rates der EU und des Europäischen Rates. Für die Redaktion verantwortlich ist das ...
Forléargas ar na príomhábhair a phléifear ag cruinnithe Chomhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh as seo go ceann coicíse agus ar na ...
Posiedzenia Rady UE w najbliższych dwóch tygodniach wraz z najważniejszymi tematami oraz nadchodzące wydarzenia medialne.
Преглед на основните теми, които ще бъдат обсъдени на заседанията на Съвета на ЕС през следващите две седмици, и предстоящи ...
Το Συμβούλιο Γεωργίας και Αλιείας θα συνεδριάσει στο Λουξεμβούργο στις 21-22 Οκτωβρίου 2024. Οι υπουργοί Αλιείας θα εξετάσουν ...