Luckily, strategies exist to fight false and manipulated information. Debunking – showing that a piece of information is ...
A recent study highlights the hepatotoxicity of tire-wear particle (TWP) leachates in aquatic environments, impacting ...
Disclaimer: AlphaGalileo is not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to AlphaGalileo by contributing ...
A team of researchers, including psycholinguist Jutta Mueller from the University of Vienna, has discovered that newborns are capable of learning ...
In this article we look at the exceptional rainfall and flooding associated with storm Boris and discuss how well the ...
Investigadores de la UOC estudian las implicaciones éticas de estas tecnologías que ya están desarrollando algunas empresas La nueva regulación ...
UOC researchers are studying the ethical implications of these technologies, which some companies are already developing New European regulations ...
VTT is participating in two projects under the US National Science Foundation's (NSF) Global Centers program, which aim to solve global challenges, ...
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology researchers Cutler Phillippe, Francesco Panerai and Laura Villafañe ...
Des scientifiques de l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI ont réussi à élucider la structure de certains photorécepteurs. Grâce à eux ...
Forschenden des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI ist es gelungen, die Struktur bestimmter Fotorezeptoren aufzuklären. Mit ihrer ...
Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen, kurz PFAS, finden sich in unzähligen Produkten und damit auch im Hausmüll.