While facial expressions do play an important role, they are not the only crucial factor. A person’s facial expression provides crucial information for us to recognize their emotions. But there’s much ...
The energy carrier hydrogen can be obtained from water by electrolysis. This works particularly well with Cobalt spinel electrocatalysts containing manganese. However, it was unclear why. Conventional ...
The universities in the Ruhr region have been collaborating under the umbrella of the UA Ruhr since 2007. The path for the future was set in extensive consultations with a high-profile international ...
A serotonin specific receptor can determine how important visual stimuli are perceived. This explains the effects of certain drugs and could help in understanding psychiatric diseases. Computer models ...
Wie können KI und Learning Analytics in der Mathematik, der Schreibdidaktik oder der medizinischen Ausbildung eingesetzt werden? Erste Erkenntnisse dazu werden in einem Sammelband vorgestellt.
Using ammonia is regarded as a promising method of transporting hydrogen. However, an efficient process is also needed to convert it back into hydrogen and nitrogen. An international research team has ...
During heavy rainfall, impervious surfaces quickly become a problem, especially in cities. If the water cannot seep away, streets can quickly turn into rivers. Many areas in North Rhine-Westphalia are ...
Many areas in North Rhine-Westphalia are paved over by impervious surfaces such as roads, housing estates and industrial sites. While this is obvious from aerial photographs, it is difficult to ...
Straßen, Wohnbausiedlungen und Industrie versiegeln viele Flächen in NRW. Auf Luftbildern ist das leicht zu sehen – aber dennoch mühsam auszuwerten. Daher haben Bochumer Forschende eine Helferin ...
Der Energieträger Wasserstoff kann durch Elektrolyse aus Wasser gewonnen werden. Besonders gut funktioniert das mit Mangan-haltigen Cobalt-Spinell-Katalysatoren. Warum war allerdings bislang unklar.
The project team intends to gain a better understanding of loneliness in Europe and develop recommendations for effective measures against loneliness. Loneliness affects many, and it harms both ...
Der Energieträger Wasserstoff kann durch Elektrolyse aus Wasser gewonnen werden. Besonders gut funktioniert das mit Mangan-haltigen Cobalt-Spinell-Katalysatoren. Warum war allerdings bislang unklar.